HighDynamic® Options

With our HighDynamic® modules and guides, we offer various sophisticated options for different cases of application, focusing our design on low moving masses, highest possible stiffness, modularity and low expenses.
More Power?

AD02 - Adaptor set for cooling fan
Even More Power?

AD02 - Adaptor set for second cooling fan
Rough Environments for HM01?

AD11 - Wipers & mechanical stop set
Rough Environments for HA02?

PA - Wipers for HA02
Rough Environments for HA01?

AD09 - Wipers & mechanical stop set
HM01 Modules not Precise Enough?

AD06 - Adaptor for external positioning sensor on HM01
HA01 Guides not Precise Enough?

AD06 - Adaptor set for external positioning sensor on HA01
Power Fail - Crashing not Allowed?

AD05 - Pneumatic brake LinStop® including
mounting set AD05 for HM01 & HA01
Customized Stroke Wanted?

Special strokes for special tasks available
Sensitive Pushing or Pulling?

AD01 - Adaptor for HBM force transducer U2B
HighDynamic® Options Download Center

Brochures & Data Sheets
> HighDynamic® options data sheet
> Pneumatic Brake LinStop® AD05 data sheet
> External incremental positioning sensor data sheet
> External absolute positioning sensor data sheet

Installation, Maintenance & EC Guidelines
> Assembly Guide MagSpring® on HighDynamic® module HM01

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