QuickLab® Linear Motor Modules & Guides
QuickLab® stands for a dynamic operating system which is typically used under IP20 conditions.
QuickLab® is a construction kit of miniaturized linear modules and guides with integrated linear drives.
With only a width of 18 mm resp. 22 mm it is designed für small applications with low payloads in single and two axis configurations. The standard values for continous operation are 3 m/s and 50 m/s². Position repeatability is in the range of +/- 0,05 mm.
Newest feature is compact direct cable outlet. Suitable cables are cain cables which can be manufactured ready to use up to a length of 30 m.
Typical applications are laboratory automation, mounting systems, test systems, optical and pharmazeutical applications.

QuickLab® Linear Motor Modules QM02
- two sizes
- ideal for short stroke applications
- very thin & torsion stiff construction
- only 18 mm and 22 mm in width
- QuickShaft® linear servo drives integrated
- low mooving mass
- stroke up to 160 mm
- peak force up to 28 N
- max. speed up to bis 3 m/s
- max. acceleration up to 50 m/s²
- positioning repeatability +/- 0,05 mm
- long operational life
- ready to use cables for cable chains
- cable length up to 30 m

QuickLab® Linear Motor Guides QA02
- ideal for longer stroke and P&P dual axis applications
- very thin & torsion stiff construction
- QuickShaft® linear servo drives integrated
- low mooving mass
- stroke up to 220 mm
- peak force up to 28 N
- max. speed up to 3 m/s
- max. acceleration up to 50 m/s²
- positioning repeatability +/- 0,05 mm
- X-Z & X-Ycombinations easy to buld
- long operational life
- one-cable technology
- ready to use cables for cable chains
- cable length up to 30 m

Faulhaber® Positioning Controller

In very simple and low dynamic applications we preferably use controllers out of the Faulhaber® range in combination with our QuickLab® linear motor systems.
- 24 VDC logic supply
- 24 VDC or 48 VDC power supply
- 2 - 5 A output current
- analog position target 0 - 10 V
- fieldbusses EtherCAT, CANOpen, RS232
- licence-free configuration tool MotionManager
- controller configuration according to motor and application data
LinMot® Positioning Controller

In high dynamic applications and when fieldbusses are required we preferably use controllers out of the LinMot® range in combination with our QuickLab® linear motor systems.
- 24 VDC logic supply
- 48 - 72 VDC power supply
- 8 - 32 A output current
- selection of positioning tasks with freely definable motion profiles over I/O’s or fieldbusses
- oscillating motion
- analog position target 0 - 10 V
- pulse & direction inputs
- master-booster or gantry mode
- master-encoder synchronization
- streaming mode
- input for external high-resolution positioning sensor
- variable homing modes
- Safe Torque Off (STO)
- fieldbusses EtherCAT, POWERLINK, PROFINET, SERCOS III, TCP/IP, Profibus-DP, CANOpen, DeviceNet
- licence-free configuration tool LinMot-Talk
- controller configuration according to motor and application data

QuickLab® - Download Center

Brochures & Data Sheets
> QuickDynamic® & QuickShaft® overview
> QuickLab® QM02 datasheet
> QuickLab® QA02 datasheet

Coming soon!

Installation, Maintenance & EC Guidelines
> Installation guide, maintenance instructions & declaration of conformity

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