Positioning Controller for Linear & Rotary Drives
LinMot® Positioning Controller with ELV Technology
LinMot® extra-low voltage (ELV) positioning controllers are suitable as positioning systems for linear, as well as rotative drives. The ELV technology is especially suitable for small drives. Furthermore it is extremely resilient, reliable and impervious to any kind of disturbances. All major fiedbus systems are supported. The controllers are distinguished by their extreme compactness, due to modern semiconductor and ELV technologies. The drives are connected to the controllers through one-cable technology.
With these products we deliver examples for circuit layouts, ready-to-use parameterized controllers, custom cables and matching power supplies.
- 24 VDC logic supply
- 48 - 72 VDC power supply
- 8 - 32 A output current
- selection of positioning tasks with freely definable motion profiles over I/O’s or fieldbusses
- oscillating motion
- analog position target 0 - 10 V
- pulse & direction inputs
- master-booster or gantry mode
- master-encoder synchronization
- streaming mode
- input for external high-resolution positioning sensor
- variable homing modes
- Safe Torque Off (STO)
- fieldbusses EtherCAT, POWERLINK, PROFINET, SERCOS III, TCP/IP, Profibus-DP, CANOpen, DeviceNet
- licence-free configuration tool LinMot-Talk
- controller configuration according to motor and application data
- expamles for circut layouts


LinMot® Positioning Controller with 400 VAC Technology
LinMot® 400 VAC positioning controllers are perfectly suitable as positioning systems for linear drives. The 400 VAC technology is ideal for larger direct drives, as well as for high-dynamic drive systems. All major fieldbus systems are supported. The linear drives are connected to the controllers through two-cable technology.
With these products we deliver examples for circuit layouts, ready-to-use parameterized controller and custom cables.
- 24 VDC logic supply
- 3 x 400 - 480 VAC power supply
- 28 A output current
- very compact design
- selection of positioning tasks with freely definable motion profiles over I/O’s or fieldbusses
- oscillating motion
- analog position target 0 - 10 V
- pulse & direction inputs
- master-booster or gantry mode
- master-encoder synchronization
- streaming mode
- input for external high-resolution positioning sensor
- variable homing modes
- Safe Torque Off (STO)
- fieldbusses EtherCAT, POWERLINK, PROFINET, SERCOS III, TCP/IP, Profibus-DP, CANOpen, DeviceNet
- licence-free configuration tool LinMot-Talk
- controller configuration according to motor and application data
- examples for circuit layouts

Positioning Controller - Download Center

Brocures & Data Sheets

For the electric construction
> EasyStart

> LinMot-Talk 6.12 Build 20250109

Installation, Maintenance & EC Guidelines
> Installation and maintenance guides, as well as the declaration of conformity are included in the LinMot-Talk software and can be found under bookmark "manuals".

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